Michigan’s Beekeeper of the Year

Michigan Beekeepers’ Association announces Charlotte Hubbard as the 2018 Beekeeper of the Year!

“Charlotte Hubbard is a treasure and a gift to the beekeepers to our state, and absolutely earned the recognition for her hard work supporting Michigan bees and beekeepers. Charlotte has been a great ambassador for beekeeping, and is one of the speakers who can reach new bees and old beeks alike. Her talks bring back the wonder and joy of being a beekeeper, and her enthusiasm when she presents brings the beekeeping on a joyful trip with her. From her keynote presentation at the Upper Peninsula Beekeepers Meeting to her rousing game of Bee-ingo, beekeepers benefit when Charlotte presents!

Charlotte is the author or multiple bee books – which you can find on her website – and all of the proceeds from her books go to charities (they make great holiday presents!). She helps push out more beekeeping education by acting as a strict and efficient editor for other authors including Larry Connor and Meghan Milbrath, and was the editor of the Kelley Bee Newsletter and is now the editor of the MBA Newsletter. We didn’t have a great newsletter until Charlotte stepped in, and put in the time to compile great news and info, and more importantly, nag the district reps to contact the beekeepers in their region, and let us know what is going on around the state.

She is incredibly generous with her time and knowledge, putting in more than her time mentoring new beekeepers. She has mentored multiple beekeepers, whatever their level of beekeeping knowledge (or anxiety), and has provided amazing support to young beekeepers – helping them get to meetings and travel for education. Charlotte is a gracious host to travelling beekeepers and speakers, opening her home (and pontoon boat). She is the coordinator of the Kalamazoo bee school, is active in her local bee club, and helps teach beekeeping and maintain the apiaries at the community college.

We are lucky to have such great beekeepers in our state, and our beekeeping community thrives when beekeepers help out, volunteer, and mentor. Thanks Charlotte!”

PS – Even though Charlotte is the newsletter editor, she is much too modest to write about herself! I was more than proud to do this last email as I move away from the MBA Communications role, as she has been such a great friend and role model for me.
Meghan Milbrath