Letting Them Bee

Bee season has started in Michigan, but I’m ever-so-attentively managing a single bee—a ba-bee, in Oregon. Our first grandchild’s parents returned to work in April, and Grandpy and I are totally enthralled with little Thomas. I don’t know how we’ll ever leave...

Honey, Bear in Mind: Mid-August Hive Considerations

Here are some things to consider for your apiary this time of year, if you live in a climate similar to SW Michigan …  Watch out for the Small Hive Beetles:  Argh.  We’ve got way more than we’d like to find in a  half dozen of our hives.  In one hive, that’s...

Happy Father’s Day Bees! (and Fathers!)

Here’s some things to think about for your apiary about this time of year–for colonies in climates similar to ours … in my opinion of course.  Beekeeping practices vary. 1)  Wish a Happy Father’s Day to any friendly drones you see.  Hopefully those will be the...

Honey Bear in Mind: Bees are Taxing

I’m lying.  To me, bees are anything but taxing.  But, having written a couple big checks this tax season, I’m trying to find some humor in the situation with a play on words. Speaking of playing, we played with bees this weekend, when we helped some new beekeepers...