Robbing and Other Fall Fun :(

A fellow beekeeper recently summarized it well: “It’s a bee-itch to love a bug.” So so so true, especially this time of year. Mite counts are soaring–are you testing, and treating if need bee? A count can go out of control real quickly in a strong colony,...


This is bearding, and it is quite common this time of year. As I recently explained in a recent Facebook post (you can find me on FB under ‘Charlotte Hubbard, Beekeeper and …’), bees do it because they’re at peak population. When the foraging...

What You Mite Want To Do (if you want to keep your bees alive)

  This time of year is one of the most enjoyable times of beekeeping. Colonies are hopefully strong and productive. If you’re a newbee, you’ve figured out drone versus worker brood, what capped honey looks like, and how to keep the smoker going more than five...

Booming Bees?

There is SO much happening in hives this time of year. Colonies are expanding, and the weather has allowed for massive nectar (soon to be honey?) collection. We’ve been busy mentoring newbees, and taking calls and answering texts about similar issues. Hopefully your...

New Colony Hints

Lots of people started keeping bees in SW Michigan in the last few weeks. Here answers to a few FAQs / things to do for this time of year in this geographic region: Keep feeding! Many days last week and this week are too cold / wet for them to fly. They won’t build up...